Electric Buses vs. Diesel Buses

June 21, 2021

The Battle Commences

When it comes to public transportation, buses are a popular choice due to their convenience, low cost, and environmental benefit. However, there still remains a debate on whether electric buses (EBs) are better than diesel buses (DBs). To solve this mystery, we have brought together some hard-hitting facts to help you form your own opinion.

Environmental Impact

Pollution is definitely becoming a massive problem for our planet, and almost all vehicles contribute to it. As diesel buses emit lower greenhouse gases than private diesel cars, they are still the largest source of nitrogen oxides (NOx) and harmful particulate matter (PM) in urban areas [1]. Moreover, the gasoline is derived from fossil fuels that release carbon dioxide when burned. The electric buses, on the other hand, have negligible tailpipe emissions and may eventually run on cleaner energy if the electricity comes from renewables. Yes, it is true that EBs have a carbon footprint during their manufacturing process and battery disposal, but their long-term environmental benefits simply cannot be avoided.

Maintenance and Operating Costs

Diesel buses undoubtedly have a lower initial investment cost as compared to EBs, but the latter can save up to 60% of their operating costs per mile, which equals out the higher purchase price [2]. DBs require more frequent and more extensive repairs than EBs, especially when it comes to engine parts like an alternator, water pumps, or mufflers, that are prone to damage due to rough use. They also need regular oil changes, fuel filter changes, and transmission fluid flushes, which can rack up high maintenance costs. EBs, however, are equipped with regenerative braking technology that means they recharge the battery while slowing down, reducing wear and tear on components.

Performance and Comfort

EBs offer a quieter, smoother, and comfortable ride compared to DBs that are noisy and vibrate due to their engines. EBs also quickly accelerate to faster speeds and climb hills easily due to their powerful electric motors. Furthermore, features like air-conditioning and power steering consume less energy in EBs, and they cause less air pollution inside and outside the bus, contributing to healthier air quality [3].

Final Verdict

EBs have by and large taken the win in the electric vs. diesel bus competition, and we can certainly expect transportation systems that cover more cities, nations to experience a shift towards electric vehicles, with a flurry of countries even announcing plans to replace their entire fleets with electric buses in the coming years [4].


[1] Greenpeace UK. (2021). Diesel pollution and public health. https://www.greenpeace.org.uk/news/diesel-pollution-public-health/

[2] BlueLA. (2021). Diesel Vs Electric Buses: The True Cost of Ownership. https://bluela.com/diesel-vs-electric-buses-the-true-cost-of-ownership/

[3] Union of Concerned Scientists. (2021). Electric Buses Reduce Air Pollution. https://www.ucsusa.org/resources/electric-buses-reduce-air-pollution

[4] Energy, E. (2021). Countries with the Most Electric Buses. Clean Technica. https://cleantechnica.com/2021/06/04/countries-with-the-most-electric-buses/

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